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Presented by Travis Pennell with Louis-Piere Comeau, Ph.D.from the Fredericton Research and Development Centre (AAFC)

Learn what the Comeau Lab at the Fredericton Research and Development Centre has learned by measuring carbon flux and organic carbon, focusing on four windrows that represented the two main compositions found on the site: solid-state organic waste and mixed industrial waste from local businesses. This important research contributes to a broader understanding of how to minimize the loss of carbon through emissions during the compost maturation process.

About Travis Pennell

Travis holds a BSc in Environment & Natural Resource Management from the University of New Brunswick (UNB). He has worked with Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) since the project began last summer and continues to work with researchers and instructors at UNB to further pursue his interest in soil science and soil management. He is also involved in a smaller project focused on mapping soil compaction in heavily disturbed areas and has been a teaching assistant for the introductory soil science course at UNB.

About Dr. Comeau

Dr. Louis-Pierre Comeau is a research scientist with the Federal Government of Canada. His research is focused on landscape and soil carbon – specifically investigating ways to replenish soil organic matter from agricultural and forest lands.

Dr. Comeau collaborates in initiatives to protect soil health from the effect of global warming and climate change and leads national projects that investigate the relationship between soil biodiversity and carbon storage as well as projects on compost optimization. His long-term scientific goal is to contribute knowledge as to why some carbon molecules remain stable in the soil for thousands of years.

Dr. Comeau is now working on a ground-breaking Canadian soil mapping project which is the first of its kind in Canada. The main goal of the endeavor is to pull all of the results from broad soil carbon and biodiversity surveys together with the use of supercomputers to create detailed maps of what he calls the soil universe.

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